Gabriel Dzsurdzsa "Founder of TheGreatWallofWealth"

Gabriel Dzsurdzsa "Founder of TheGreatWallofWealth"

Monday, July 2, 2007

Procrastination, a cancer to success!

The single most dangerous obstacle to our success.
In anything we do in our lives we have the tendency
to procrastinate. Most of the problems that one
faces in life are a procrastination issue. It's
all related to procrastination. Putting things off....
Procrastination is a habit just like doing it now is
a habit!!! Ok this is a question and anwser format.
It's really good! Read it through carefully:

Question : "Procrastination seems to be a Universal
fact of life, shouldn't we just accept it as part of
human nature and let it go at that?"

Anwser: "Have you ever heard anybody say: That's just
me, that's who I am... I can't help it! ... Not at all.
Some people do, of course. But they generally turn out
to be the ones defeated by life"

Question: "But when something is so wide-spread isn't
it rather pointless to fight it?"

Anwser: "No. Disease is wide-spread but we don't shrug
our shoulders and ignore it do we. The important thing
is not how wide-spread a problem is but whether
something can be done about it and in the case of
procrastination, it can!"

Question: "Are you sure! Where is the evidence that this
problem can be overcome?"

Anwser: "The evidence is found in the life of every
succesfull human being. Succesfull people do not
procrastinate. At least in matters relating to their
field of achievement. It's as simple as that.
Procrastination prevents success"

Question: "Wait a minute. Surelly you can't mean that
practically everybody admits to being a
procrastinator! It's the common denominator of the
human race"

Anwser: "Not really. It's the common denominator
of people who fail to live up to their potential"
" It's true that nearly everyone will jokely admit
to being a procrastinator but when succesfull
people do so: What they are really saying is that
there are some things that they would have like to
have done that they haven't done and that isn't the
same thing as procrastination."

Question: "Exactly what do you mean by procrastination?"

Anwser: "I mean, postponing something that you know
in your heart should be done now instead of later."
"Learning what to do when you catch yourself commiting
the sin of procrastination is of utmost importance"

Question: " Did you say sin?"

Anwser: "Yes"

Question: "Isn't that putting it a bit strongly.
It's a bad habit admitedly, even a pickadillo,
perhaps, but surelly it can't be called a sin"

Anwser: "It certainly can. As any theologian will
tell you sin commes in two varieties: The sin of a
comission, it's all the attention but the sin of omission,
the second kind of sin that lays eggs under your skin.
The way you get really painfully bitten. Is by the
insurance you haven't taken out. The cheques you haven't
added up, the stubs and appointments you haven't kept and
the bills you haven't paid and the letters you haven't

Question: "OK So procrastination is bad and we should all
try to do something about it. But it still seems that the
inumerable problems be-setting each of us the question of
whether we do something today or tommorow is hardly a
primary concern."

Anwser: "As a matter of a fact it is. So often it's the
key to those other problems large or small. Consider for
example typical procrastinators whose problems are
either created or intensified by delay. Ex:
The compulsive drinker who resolves to call Alcoholics
Anonymous the very next time I have a blackout. The
worker who is going to confront the boss about that
raise when the time is right. The father who plans to
spend some time with his kid when work pressures aren't
so great. The office manager who has some ideas that
would increase efficiency but who's waiting until things
settle down to implement them. The salesman who postpones
a call on a major prospect fear in rejection because the
company hasn't had a good year. The woman whos gonna stop
smoking as soon as I get pregnant. The high-school
student that's going to establish some good study habits
as soon as I get into college. The person who means to
see the doctor about those chest pains but decides to
get caught up at the office first. The nation who plans
to balance it's budget as soon as things get better.
These people and institutions wouldn't see themselves
as having much in common but they share several
things. One: Each has a problem whether large or small.
Two: Each knows what should be done about the problem
and is determined to take a specific action. Three:
However. Each is reluctant to take the action now
promising instead to act at some indetermined time in
the future. Four: Each makes performance of the task
contingent upon something else. They will do it as soon
as, or when, or if, this makes the delay seem temporary
and justifiable. However the contingency is usually just
a convenient excuse instead of a legitimate reason for
delay. What we have is a process of self-delusion.
All varieties of procrastination involve self-delusion
of one kind or another, they involve denial of reality,
refusal to whey penalties and alternatives objectively."

Question: "In other words you are saying that
procrastination is stupid. Rite?"

Anwser: " Exactly. It's a form of gameplaying. An
idiotic gameplaying at that because we ourselves are
invariably the loosers. In the words of the poet
Robert Abraham: Some men die by shrapnel and some go
down in flames. But most men perish inch by inch and
play at little games. Overcoming procrastination means
giving up the games and being honest with ourselves. "

Question: "You mentioned the article about the varieties
of procrastionation. Isn't there just one variety,
namely putting things off?"

Anwser: "No. There is one result. But there are a number
of causes. I think the cause of procrastination can be
grouped into four categories: First are the attitudinal
factors which include such things as: unwillingness to
tolerate discomfort, or unpleasantness, fear of failure
,fear of success, low self-esteem, depresion, boredom,
shiness and feeling of guilt. Second: Are the cognitive
blocks. Such as: Inadequate information, Unclear
priorities, indecision, uncertainty about how to
attack the problem, failure to apprecite the importance
of timely action. Third are environmental conditions or
external factors: They include clutter, disorganization,
noise, un-manageable workloads, diversionairy
activities, lack of needed tools, friends and relatives
who lure one from the chosen task. etc ......Each
instance of procrastination involves one or more of
these. If you can pin down the cause of procrastination
in your case you'll have taken a big step towards
overcoming it and replace it with a habit of prompt
action and it won't be necessary for anyone ever to say
to you: He slept beneath the moon, he basked beneath
the sun, he lived a life of going to do and died with
nothing done"

Question: "So where does one begin with the assault on

Anwser: "One begins by discarding some of the untentable
prejudices such: such as the belief that one is just
a born procrastinator, the assumption that we are
dealing with an innate character defect that we are
helpless to correct. We must stop excusing ourselves
with a falicious argument that we are the victims of a
genetic and environmental factors that condemn us to
the role of a legenday character that goes through life
a dollar short - a day late."

Question: " But isn't there considerable thruth in some
of it at least? Aren't all of us born with certain
weaknesess and if our weakness happens to be
procrastination, shouldn't we accept it and just try to
make the best of it? Why this compulsion to make
ourselves over, instead of relaxing and enjoying life?
What' s wrong with the policy of the old song 'Que sera,
sera' Whatever will be, will be. ?"

Anwser: "Que sera, sera is a lovely song, but a lousy
philosophy. Nothing worthwile was ever accomplished by
anybody who met life with a shrug and an attitude of
whatever will be, will be. There are plenty of people
who do chose that aproach of course but they are the
zombies. Instead of the model should be: Que chero,
sera; whatever I will, will be!"

Question: "But surelly you have heard of such phrases:
Go with the flow, don't push the river, don't these
adnominations suggest that the wisdom accepting
what life has dished out and enjoying instead on
going on a binge of self-modification?"

Anwser: "Not at all. Those phrases are perfectly valid
in the proper context. It is foolish of course not to
yeld to the inevitable. But what is inevitable? One is
reminded by the well known serenity praier by doctor
Reynhold Neighbor: O god give us the serinity to
accept what cannot be changed. Courage to change
what should be changed and wisdom to distinguish
one from the other. Life is not a situation but a
process, not static but dynamic, it's essential element
is change and the great question facing each of us is
whether we will channel that change in the direction
we want to go, shaping our destiny or whether we will
permit our activities and our character to be determined
by those random forces we call faith to the extent
that we procrastinate we are following th second course"

Question: "But this all sounds like such a chore. To
fight procrastination along with all the other
imperfections we all have in our makeup seems like
a never ending process. It seems like we are
asking people to be constantly at war with themselves"

Anwser: "In a sense that's true. The concept of an
eternal struggle within us. Between good and evil.
Between self-mastering and self-indulgence goes back
to the garden of Eden. It is this great theme running
trough life and literature, but the testament of the
human race is that the battle is worth fighting. That
it gives zest to life and that victory is sweet! In
the words of the Roman poet, Pobliosarius: The greatest
victory is victory over self. To be conquered by self
is of all things the most shameful and ville"
"Our strength and the ability to overcome
procrastination grow each time we chalk up a triumph
however small. One of the notable acievers through recent
history; Ray Kroc the chairman of the board of McDonalds
, the man who parlayed the humble hamburger to a fortune.
He says: The longer I live the more importance I attach
to a man's abillity to manage and discipline himself......

I can go on forever, but basically Procrastination
is a disease that prevents us from being truly
succesfull. Now it is a part of human nature but that
doesn't mean we cannot fight it!....and WIN.

Monday, June 25, 2007

A light aproach!

I say it's time to get back to the
basics. Principles of virtue, righteousness
and truth...morality. All those things that
we were never taught. On a lighter tone I will
be going into such things to touch base on
some of my belief systems and yours of course.
It's what you believe in and know to be true
that determines how you act and what you do
on a day to day basis. Hope it's not to scary
for ya!

The Knight's Vow

I took this from a
movie called the
"Kingdom of Heaven".
A movie that greatly
inspires me and what
I do. It goes something

like this: "Be without
fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright
that God may love thee. Speak the truth, always, even if
it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no
wrong. That is your oath (followed by a hard slap to the
face) and that's so you remeber it!" Pretty good. Well this
is essential and should be incorporated in your daily

decision making process! If you want to have any kind
of succes in your life. At Least that's what I believe.

Here's another one: "What does that say? Latin: What man
is a man that does not make the world better?" Very powerfull.
So I ask myself that question every day. Another one: "When I
was sixteen, I won a great
victory. I felt in that moment
I would live to be a hundred.
Now I know I shall
not see thirty... You
see none of us choose
our end, really...
A king may move a man, a
father may claim a son...
but remember when even those who move you
be kings or men of power, Your soul is in your
keeping alone. When you stand before God you cannot say:
But I was told by others to do thus. Or that virtue was not
convenient at the time. This will not suffice. Remeber that!"
Very Strong Quote.
Another one: "You've been given a patch of dirt and it seems you
will all build a new Jerusalem
here. Tis my land...Where
would I be if I did not try to
make it better." WOW. That
one should get people
thinking. What are you doing
curently to try to make the
world a better place.
And if you are how can you take it to the next level. You can
always work on improving what you do and yourself. Just don't
give up. EVER!!!!! Be a true Knight and watch the movie.

Books I'm currently reading! Honestly!